“How to Wake Early When All You Want to Do is Sleep”

This guy is a champion!! I’m so happy to find this page, because this is my big BIG BIG problem, keep bashing the snooze button, or even turning it off 😦 lol, whoever sleeps in the same room/bed with me realise my bad habit of having early multiple alarms and ending sleeping like a pig. They are like: OMG!! Wake upppp J!!!

I always ‘dream’ to wake up early and do little self things in early morning, but not exhausting myself as I have to go to work/study later after 9am. Here’s another great list of habits, called the 24 daily habits:

Everyone is different. The link obviously shows suggestions derived from one’s experience and his results. We may be slightly different. No worries, don’t stress out. (Some people definitely are morning people, some may not)
Alrighty! I’ll try his methods from the first link. Let’s f**king CHANGE my life! 😀